Parent Partnership
You can make a difference!
We recognize the close relationship between parental involvement and student achievement. At Bishop Dwenger High School, parents play a vital role in the academic, emotional, and spiritual growth of their children. As such, we invite you to partner with the school and make a difference in the lives of our students.
Time, Talent, Treasure, and Prayer
Just as each student has gifts they bring to our school; parents also have gifts to share. These gifts help enrich our school and help ensure our continued success. Parents partner with the school and become involved in the full spectrum of student life at BDHS.
Parental involvement includes attending school liturgies, back-to-school nights, athletic events, concerts, plays, and other activities that take place throughout the year. We ask that all families share 4 hours of their time per student enrolled at BDHS. Whether volunteering for various events such as Saints Alive!, assisting the faculty appreciation committee, helping with school mailings, etc., we need, and appreciate, you and your time. If you are interested learning about the different ways to volunteer at Bishop Dwenger High School, please contact the Development & Alumni Office at 469-4775.
Parental involvement also includes investing your treasure above and beyond tuition to help fund tuition assistance and the many academic programs and co-curricular activities we offer our students. For more information about how your donation will be used, please contact the development office.